The top 3 of the hairstyles

Published on by laugh-detente

Did not you think thus ever of having an outstanding hairstyle, a hairstyle that nobody else than possess you? Here are persons which gave themselves completely in the absurd hairstyles. Look rather...
Here is the first hairstyle of our top 3 for the absurd and totally unthinkable hairstyles. Admit that this hairstyle and very well realized and that glasses and mustache are cut well. But is it thus to or the place of our person? Difficult to meet in this world of the hairstyle...
For our second hairstyle of our top 3. Here is a who was taken on pausehumour(a french website) and who has a small sight of already seen... But yes naturally it is dolls "barbie" whom he concerns the head. Admit all the same that it is necessary credit note of the imagination to want to make a similar hairstyle...
And to finish here is the hairstyle which can be proud to have won the third medal of our competition. We could almost believe that is the place of our person, but is it good to?
In any case we wish you a good day on laugh-detente...

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